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Feedback and Complaint Submission

Nevada WIC appreciates you taking the time to provide us with feedback. We review the feedback submitted which lets us know what we’re doing right as well as staff and vendors who have provided outstanding service.

We also appreciate your helpful feedback to let us know when service has not been good or where there’s a problem. This will allow us to address and resolve issues in a timelier manner.

We also appreciate your help in making sure that fraud and abuse is not occurring. This helps us assure the following:

  • Make sure program funds are given only to eligible families
  • Allow us to investigate claims of program fraud and abuse by clients, employees, and vendors

Increases our awareness of potential areas of program fraud and abuse and provide retraining as needed for:

  • Program Rules
  • Customer Service
  • Allowable Foods
  • Conflict Resolution

Positive Feedback

Report Fraudulent or Suspicious Activities

Make a Complaint Against

Farmers’ Market Complaint (FMNP)

USDA Civil Rights Complaint

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Complaint (PWFA)