Healthcare Provider Resources
Nevada WIC Approved Foods
WIC food packages are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations and established dietary recommendations for infants and children. WIC food packages target specific nutrients, including protein, calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamins A and C, and iron.
For a list of WIC approved foods, please visit the Approved WIC Foods page or review the WIC Shopping Guide.
Nevada WIC Shopping Guide
Nevada WIC Shopping Guide: Current food offerings for Nevada WIC Participants. Available in English and Spanish.
Nevada Approved WIC Foods List
Nevada Approved WIC Foods List: List of currently approved Nevada WIC foods, including UPC information.
Contracted Infant Formula
WIC offers Similac Advance standard milk-based formula and Similac Soy Isomil as their contract formulas.
-For infants up to 12 months of age, no medical documentation form is required.
-For children over 12 months of age who require infant formula, a medical documentation form is required.
-For questions on infant formula, contact a local WIC clinic or the State of Nevada WIC Office.
Nevada WIC cannot provide the following formulas, even with medical documentation: Enfamil Infant, Gentlease, Sensitive and ProSobee; Enfamil Enspire line;
Enfamil NeuroPro line; Similac 360 Total Care/Sensitive (powder)
Similac Advance and Soy Isomil
Similac Advance and Similac Soy Isomil are the standard contract formulas.
Similac Sensitive and Total Comfort
Similac Sensitive and Similac Total Comfort are available alternate contract brand formulas for infants with mild intolerance to the standard formulas.
WIC Forms and Handouts For Physicians
WIC Medical Food Breakdowns
WIC Medical Documentation Form
A medical documentation form is required for all non-contract and medical nutrition formula requests.
WIC Lactation Referral Form
WIC Lactation Referral Form: Need to make a lactation referral? Fill out the form linked below and email to
Need Lactation Support? Handout (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
Need Lactation Support? Printable handout with information on WIC lactation support for current or potential WIC participants in English and Spanish.
Need a Breast Pump? Handout (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
Need a Breast Pump? Printable handout on breast pumps and the Nevada WIC Program. WIC Participants are encouraged to get a pump through their Medicaid provider or insurance. WIC cannot provide pumps to pregnant participants.
Nevada Managed Care Organizations Value-Added Benefits for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Members
Nevada Managed Care Organizations: Handouts in English and Spanish detailing the four Nevada Medicaid Managed Care Organizations steps to acquire a breast pump and the value-added benefits they offer to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

WIC Formulary
WIC provides non-contract formula to participants with a medical need and a qualifying diagnosis. A list of most commonly requested formulas for Infants and Women/Children may be found at the link below.
Lactation Resources for Physicians
Evidence-based resources for healthcare providers to provide optimal support to breastfeeding families. Includes billing and coding resources.
Lactation Continuing Education Resources for Physicians
A variety of online education opportunities for healthcare providers.
Prenatal Breastfeeding Education Toolkits
Toolkits for healthcare providers when talking to patients about breastfeeding in English, Chinese, and Vietnamese.