Breastfeeding Benefits
Breastfeeding offers many benefits to both mother and baby.
Health Benefits for Mom and Baby
Women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and diabetes. Infants who are breastfed have a a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), obesity, respiratory infections, ear infections, eczema, diarrhea, diabetes and leukemia. Breastfeeding really does make a difference!
Bonding with Baby
Physical contact with baby is very important, helping baby to feel safe, secure and loved. Holding baby skin to skin also boosts mom's levels of oxytocin, a hormone that helps breast milk flow and helps you feel calm. Learn more about skin-to-skin and other helpful tips to plan for baby's delivery.
Breast Milk Offers Complete Nutrition
Breast milk provides baby with complete nutrition and additional health and nutrition benefits which infant formula does not, such as live antibodies. Breast milk is also easily absorbed by baby and the human body also tailor makes breast milk to meet baby's individual nutritional needs! Click the link below to learn more about breast milk and how it changes for baby, no matter their age!
Breast Milk is Free and Convenient
Breast milk is free, convenient, and always ready when baby is hungry! There are no bottles of formula to warm or any mixing required when you choose to breastfeed your baby.

Breastfeeding Resources
Breastfeeding During Illness or Common Conditions
Resources on breastfeeding during illness such as flu or COVID-19, in addition to other common conditions.
WIC Breastfeeding Support
An interactive breastfeeding resource for information tailored to whichever stage you are in. English only.
Learn the ABCs of breastfeeding before you deliver. Great resource in English and Spanish.
User-friendly information on breastfeeding and medication/herb interactions available in English and Spanish.
Global Health Media Project- Breastfeeding Videos
Videos in multiple languages on basic breastfeeding challenges and techniques.
Infant Risk Center
Information for parents and providers on medications and over the counter drugs during pregnancy and lactation. Offers phone support Monday-Friday, 8am-3pm CST.
International Breastfeeding Centre
Provides reliable, research-based information for mothers and babies.
Kelly Mom
Evidence based information on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and parenting. Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian and Bulgarian.
Kijiji Sisterhood
The Kijiji Sisterhood works to reclaim birth and parenting wisdom to increase the health and well-being of Black and Brown communities and improve birth and breastfeeding outcomes.
Nevada Breastfeeds
Website detailing statewide initiatives to promote and support breastfeeding. Available in English only.
Northern Nevada Breastfeeding Coalition
The Northern Nevada Breastfeeding Coalition is a volunteer organization of parents, professionals, and community partners whose mission is to promote breastfeeding through education, collaboration, and advocacy to help families achieve their breastfeeding goals.
Office on Women’s Health
Great information on breastfeeding for women and for their employers. Available in English and Spanish.
Southern Nevada Breastfeeding Coalition
The Southern Nevada Breastfeeding Coalition's mission is to inspire, educate and build community support to make breastfeeding the norm for infant feeding in Nevada.
Stanford Medicine- Newborn Nursery
Great resources, including videos on initiating breastfeeding, hand expression, and milk supply. Primarily English; some resources available in Spanish.
USBC- Breastfeeding Resources for Parents
Breastfeeding Resources for Parents: Comprehensive resource for parents with lactation information during pregnancy or after birth, lactation protections for workers, and medication information.