Complaint Against Farmer/Farmers' Market Contact InformationName*WIC staff need your information for following up, but you will remain anonymous. First Last Phone Number*Email Address* Describe Your ComplaintState all facts, including date and time of incident, name and location of store, name(s) of other(s) involved and witnesses, if any.Date and Time of Incident*Name of Farmer's Market*Please include name of Farmers' Market where incident occurred. Include address, and/or nearest cross-streets to help identify location. List the Name of Farmer/Vendor Involved*Provide name of farmer or vendor. If you don't have vendor's name, a physical description can be helpful. Enter 'NONE' if issue was just with the Farmers' Market.What happened?Describe the Incident*Please provide as much detail as possible.Upload DocumentsSubmit pictures or documents that may be helpful to investigate this complaint (receipt, pic of product, etc.)Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 200 MB.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ